Swim to live!

Swim to Live is a small collaborative partnership formed as an Erasmus+ sport project. Our goals are oriented towards making a habit of regular swimming activities, gaining knowledge for swimming instructors, learning how to promote good practices, influencing the local environment for club leaders and a Swim to live license for instructors. We want to spread the knowledge of teaching swimming and love towards swimming to previously non-active people by simply engaging them. Swim to Live was started in 2017.

Iščemo študente (mlade odrasle) za sodelovanje v projektu
Aug. 1, 2024

Iščemo skupino mladih odraslih, starih od 18 do 25 let, ki so pripravljeni sodelovati v praktičnem delu projekta Swim to Live 5. To je tvoja priložnost, da narediš nekaj zase in doživiš nekaj novega, hkrati pa sodeluješ v raziskavi, katere rezultati bodo pomagali izboljšati podporo in razumevanje ADHD pri mladih in odraslih po vsej Evropi.

Kaj te čaka:

  •  Redni, tedenski treningi plavanja in delavnice čuječnosti.
  •  Delavnice učinkovitega upravljanja s časom.
  •  Koristne informacije in podpora strokovnjakov.
  •  Priložnost za spoznavanje novih prijateljev in deljenje izkušenj.
  •  Udeležba na dnevih odprtih vrat v Ljubljani in Grčiji.

Za več podrobnosti si poglej priponko.

English version:

We are looking for a group of young adults, aged 18 to 25, who are willing to participate in the practical part of the Swim to Live 5 project. This is your chance to do something for yourself and experience something new, while also contributing to research that will help improve support and understanding of ADHD in young people and adults across Europe.

What awaits you:

- Regular weekly swimming training and mindfulness workshops.
- Workshops on effective time management.
- Useful information and support from experts.
- An opportunity to meet new friends and share experiences.
- Participation in open-day events in Ljubljana and Greece.

For more details, check the link.

Petra Vrhovnik, psychologist: ADHD and time management
May 15, 2024

The last lecture was about time management strategies for adolescents with ADHD by psychologists Petra Vrhovnik. 

Check it out!

dr. Maja Smrdu, clinical psychologist: The Psychosocial Characteristics of Adolescents with ADHD
May 14, 2024

The second lecture was by dr. Maja Smrdu about the psychosocial characteristics of adolescents with ADHD.

Check it out!

dr. Jerneja Maček, psychiatrist: A workshop about ADHD
May 13, 2024

During our first TPM in Ljubljana we had some great lectures and workshops by renowned Slovenian experts. Check out the first lecture by dr. Jerneja Maček about ADHD.

Meet Euphoria Net!
May 10, 2024

Today, we are happy to introduce one of our project partners, Euphoria Net! 🌟

Based in Rome, Italy, Euphoria Net specializes in three key areas:

🗂 Project management, especially for EU projects.

📖 Training courses covering a wide range of topics, including project management, digital skills, sustainability, entrepreneurship, EU citizenship, and innovative and inclusive teaching methods, tailored for schools, universities, and associations.

📑 Organization of events and communication strategies.

Discover more here👉 https://euphorianet.it/ and on the project website 👉https://swimtolive.org/about/


Meet the project coordinator: ŠD Riba
May 3, 2024

To find out who is working on the project, meet the project coordinator: ŠD Riba 🚀

The Riba swimming club was founded in 2002 by a group of young swimming enthusiasts and ex-competitive swimmers, full of ideas and eager to put them into practice.

The ŠD Riba is one of the 4 main swimming clubs in Slovenia and has around 700 members, including all swimming levels, age groups, and the physically and mentally disabled. 🏊

Discover more here👉 https://www.riba-drustvo.si/ and on the project website 👉https://swimtolive.org/about/

Stay tuned to learn more about the partners in this exciting project! 🤩


WHO is working on the Swim to Live 5 project? 🔍
April 26, 2024

Let’s continue discovering our project and more specifically:

WHO is working on the Swim to Live 5 project? 🔍

4 partners from 4 different countries:

ŠD Riba – project coordinator – sports association 🇸🇮

Euphoria Net – company involved in several EU projects 🇮🇹

Αστερίας – swimming club in Katerini 🇬🇷

@ACS KORY FRANCISC – sports club 🇷🇴

Are you curious to know more about who is working on the project? Keep following us! 🤩


WHEN is Swim to Live 5 taking place? And WHY does this project matter?
April 19, 2024

Let’s continue discovering our project with two more Ws! 🔍

WHEN is Swim to Live 5 taking place? And WHY does this project matter?

Swim to Live 5 is a 24-month project, lasting until December 2025, which aims to promote social inclusion through sport by helping adolescents with ADHD (18-25 years) with swimming, mindfulness and time structuring, as important tools for their well-being. At the same time, the project aims to increase the knowledge and skills of sports instructors, teachers, etc. on how to help understand and regulate ADHD through exercise, mindfulness, time structuring, and other similar activities and tools. 🏊🧘

Are you curious to know what we will do in these years? Keep following us!🤩


WHERE is Swim to Live 5 taking place?🔍
April 12, 2024

Let’s continue discovering our project with the second W! 🏊

WHERE is Swim to Live 5 taking place?🔍

Swim to Live 5 involves 4 partners from 4 different countries: Slovenia, Greece, Romania and Italy! We met in Ljubljana and will meet in Katerini, Greece! 🌍

Keep following us to discover more!🤩


WHAT is Swim to Live 5? 🧐
April 5, 2024

Today we start our journey to discover the "Swim to Live 5" project! 🏊‍♀️

Every Friday you will discover more about this new project through the 5 Ws: What, Where, When, Why, and Who!🔍

Let's start: WHAT is Swim to Live 5? 🧐
