“Swim to live” licence

Every instructor will have to fulfill tasks to further develop their competencies.

We will further develop a certificate, a “Swim to Live” licence for swimming instructors. Instructor with the licence will be competent in the fields of: 

  • Coaching (ability to act as a coach, with the swimmer's interest determining the direction, rather than the coach’s expertise or opinion);

  • Facilitation (ability to facilitate the individual’s and team’s process, holding to their purpose and definition of success);

  • Mentoring (ability to impart one’s experience, knowledge and guidance to help grow another in the same or similar knowledge domains);

  • Teaching (ability to offer the right knowledge, at the right time, taught in the right way, so that individuals, teams and organizations ingest and use the knowledge for their best benefit);

  • Technical Mastery (ability to invent new approaches to teaching individuals, designing, engineering and demonstrating swimming exercises or swimming technique, show an example and teaching-by-doing.);

  • Transformation Mastery (ability to facilitate, catalyze and (as appropriate) lead personal change and persons behaviours);

  • Social inclusion Mastery (ability to work with different able swimmers, knows how to deal with the problems regarding gender, political or religious issues, ability to work with different age groups);

  • Sport psychology Mastery (ability to use motivational strategies, good communication skills, teaching and instructions as a way of giving feedback, intrapersonal and extrapersonal sensitivity);

  • Adapted swimming teaching methods (ability to use different approaches for different groups of swimmers).

  • Use of technologies for sharing knowledge (web portal and social media, google drive, excell, basic knowledge about video production, YouTube)