
Erika Žlogar for 1. task • Feb. 28, 2017


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  • Jose Janeirinho6 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Erika,

    We are going to use our characteristics and singularities to take a stand in the areas that we work: sports activities for youth people and young adults. There is nothing better than to show that you are doing a great job and that the participants can trust us. It’s a good marketing strategy!

  • Gabi Nagy7 years, 1 month ago

    This week we ended the first part of our traning (4 month) and will start again on October 15 with the second part (2 month). We already have a list of 10 people, not participating to the actual TC, interested in taking part in adaptive swimming lessons. However o start the new programmwe we'll need about 15-20 paying participants.

  • Barbara Poljšak7 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Erika,

    for this survey I used Google Form, it's simple to use and also to check the answers. I got 160 answers (which is about 1/4 of members).
    I can see I have to change some questions next time, to get more specific answers, easier to analyse.

    Best regards,

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Gabi,

    how is going organisation of training course in October?
    Best, erika

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Barbara,
    great, personal approach. What kind of tools do you use for analysing data and how do you operate with them for future activities?

    best, erika

  • Anastazia Ziu7 years, 1 month ago

    Well done! I've seen beautiful slides with interesting matters.I would also like to see an approach to emotional intelligence coaching.

  • Maja Isakovič7 years, 2 months ago

    Gabi, that's wonderful news!!! :-)

  • Gabi Nagy7 years, 2 months ago

    The open doors event helped us very much and we started a list with possible participants for a training course, starting in October.

  • Barbara Poljšak7 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Erika,

    as usual I will send a nice email to our members :)
    We communicate often via email and many times our members have to reply and write an answer (for example - if they will come during the holidays, if they order a swimsuit etc.) - and they actually do. In this case I will also ask our instructors to tell their swimmers (and kids parents) about the survey.
    I believe they will answer and answers will be truthful.

    Best regards,

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Barbara,
    On-line survey is very good method to get feedback, but how will you motivate club members for their time to enroll answers? Main problem with surveys is response and truthful answers.

    Regards, erika

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Gabi,đ

    how are you going with executing your plan? Were there any obstacles, changes etc.? Have you got any new idea about approaching your target group?

    Regards, erika

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Jose,

    Not to have a lot competition in your area can be very good for business, but little more less for your original and innovative approach to target groups. It can be quickly just plain and ordinary way of inviting. Because we never know what the future will bring, it is wise to build on your brands awareness and recognizability from day one. By that, when competition comes, you will not have to worry about your members to go in other swimming club.

    Regards, erika

  • Erika Žlogar7 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Elisa,
    very interesting approach in inviting and involving children via storytelling, for not just swim, but building on children's imagination. Have you thought about some new approaches and ideas that would give new segment to your work and make swimming even more exciting? :)

  • Elisa Lavagnino7 years, 3 months ago

    My Sport scticities are strictly connected to the Genoa framework. Above all they collaborate with schools and children. An innovative method they use that involve children is the storytelling. The fact to use stories in order to increase the wiiling to practise swimming. Thi can be considered also a technique of dissemination in which my sport leader invested. In the framework of this project, teachers and leaders have been involved in diferent meetings aiming at teinforce their communication and educational skills.

  • Jose Janeirinho7 years, 3 months ago

    100% Aventura targets mostly young teenagers and adults. Our main activities are directed to this population and are based on recreational and leisure sports.

    Considering that in our local area there is not a huge offer for practising these activities we need to bet in what is new and innovative and that can arouse attention of big groups of youngsters. Our budget is not big enough to have many specialized professionals (in several sports areas and in marketing), so we need to choose people who can operate in different fields of action, we need to have diverse channels of disclosure (Facebook, posters, brochures, awareness actions of our activities and who we are, etc) and we need to establish partnerships with other clubs, associations, and entities.

  • Barbara Poljšak7 years, 3 months ago

    In last few years Riba had a big increase of club members. We run our swimming programs at different times, on a different locations in Ljubljana. It has become hard to get a feedback from all of the members, because we rarely meet.

    If we want to move forward, make our programs even better, we need to get a proper feedback about swimming lessons from our members. Before the end of this season, we have to make an on-line survey, send a link to members and get answers. So for the next season, starting in September, we can change some things, make a short education for instructors and boost the quality of swimming programs.

  • Gabi Nagy7 years, 3 months ago

    For Babilon Travel NGO Romania:
    Target group: Mixed group of 10 young visually and non-visually impaired
    • Inclusion of disabled youngsters and interaction, socialization of VI and non-VI;
    • Healthy lifestyle.
    Specialized trainer.
    • A necessary of 500 Euro/month;
    • Donations from non-VI participants and their families and friends;
    • Sponsorship and fundraising activities.
    Promotion on website, Facebook page & groups, leaflets and on local media.
    Present stage:
    • Identified swimming pool and trainer;
    • Budget for 6 month for a mixed group of 10 VI and non-VI, non-active in sportand without swimming skills.
    After 6 month:
    • The group should have intermediary level of swimming skills;
    • 3 of the participants be involved in a swimming contest in Ljubljana;
    • Swimming trainer with improved competences in working with disabled and mixed groups of participants;
    • Coordinator developed and increased competences in managing sport activities in general, with focus on swimming.
    • Working in mixed groups;
    • Building mixed pairs of VI/non-VI that help each other during the training sessions.
    Babilon Travel NGO is a non-profit organisation offering activities for mixed groups of youngsters.

  • Maja Isakovič7 years, 4 months ago

    Marketing expert Erika Žlogar gives insight about how to attract as many people as possible to do sports and to attend sport events (Marketing strategies in promoting regular physical activities).

    Erika Žlogar is a marketing professional. She joined Riba in 2012. She has experience in IT (social media, classical and non-classical marketing approaches, promotional projects, event management), PR. As an independent consultant she collaborated with some of the biggest companies in Slovenia (Simobil, ProPlus - POP TV, A Kanal, Unilever), she managed projects with more than 200 people and worked in event management. In Riba she covers the field of marketing and promotion.